Make Your Own Museum: An Activity Kit for Children
This interactive package for children ages six to twelve contains everything they need to create their own museum. The text and accompanying activities lead children to discover for themselves the pleasures and challenges of collecting, sorting, trading, displaying, and caring for art objects. All the materials necessary for the creation of a small-scale model of three typical galleries are included: three sets of walls and floors, punch-out furniture, and sculpture pieces. The same floors and walls can be reversed to create an all-purpose exhibit space. Four-color punch-out cards and reusable sticker reproductions of works of art and other collectibles--most from the collections of the J. Paul Getty Museum--allow children to create their own exhibits by applying and re-applying them to the gallery walls.
The accompanying booklet provides suggestions for activities and answers a number of commonly-asked questions, such as: When was the first museum started, and where? Why do people collect things? What kinds of museums are there? Who works in the museums and what exactly do they do?