The Facts about Fats: A Consumer's Guide to Good Oils
Everybody’s got an opinion about fats, and the recommendations change daily. Is it margarine or butter, olive oil or canola? Before you break out the lard in frustration, read THE FACTS ABOUT FATS. Cutting through the bewildering array of conflicting information like a warm knife through butter, this thoroughly researched guide separates fact from rumor once and for all. Exposing margarine and refined oils as major contributors to heart disease, cancer, immune system weakness, and other serious health problems, this revised and updated edition of THE FACTS ABOUT FATS discusses essential fatty acids, the wonders of flax seed oil, the various refining processes, and the newest research on “good” fats and “bad” fats. Written in an honest and hard-hitting style, this is the most accessible, straightforward guide on the shelf.