The Waksman Social Skills Curriculum for Adolescents: An Assertive Behavior Program
This popular and effective curriculum is now redesigned for easier application. Enjoy the ease of using reproducible blackline masters to teach appropriate assertive behavior skills to adolescents with and without disabilities.Use the program to teach valuable, specific lessons such as:getting along with peers, teachers, and family membersexpressing feelings appropriatelyaccepting criticism and complimentssocial problem solvingdrug- and peer pressure-refusal skillstension and anger managementcommunicating more effectivelyassertiveness and self-concept enhancementYou'll find that the 9-week, 18-lesson format contains specific goals, objectives, worksheets, homework assignments, and instructions. You will have activities presented in a manner that facilitates their use by teachers working with groups of students or by psychologists, counselors, and social workers working with individuals. The program is particularly helpful with children and adolescents ages 10 to 15 years who display social skill deficits, behavior disorders, hyperactivity, and emotional problems.To see more of this