The Bible Has the Answer
Solid and satisfying answers to every possible problem, whether interpersonal or global, are readily available in the Bible.
Unfortunately, many people dismiss the Bible as a real source of wisdom for every area of life believing the popular delusion that the Bible is full of mistakes and is no longer relevant to our modern world. Yet, hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled specifically and meticulously. Archaeological confirmations of the biblical record have been almost innumerable in the last century. Many principles of modern science were recorded as facts of nature in the Bible long before scientists confirmed them experimentally.
The Bible is vital in solving (and preventing) the very real problems people face today. In The Bible Has the Answer, you will discover answers to 155 of the most asked questions about the Bible and its impact on science, ancient history, the supernatural realm, health, relationships, government and the last days. Broad categories of questions include:
- The Word of God
- The Work of Christ
- The Bible and Science
- Creation and Evolution
- The Ancient World
- Problems in Earth History
- Controversial Doctrines
- Life in Christ
- Personal Spiritual Problems
- The Christian and the Government
- Occultism and Mysticism
- Things to Come
Acclaimed Christian apologetic scholar, scientist, and author, Dr. Henry Morris partners with Christian counselor, Dr. Martin Clark to help you apply the wisdom of the Bible to your personal challenges and nagging questions. These well-researched and referenced answers will fortify your personal faith in the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.
This Bible study tool is an excellent resource for personal devotions, pastoral counseling, and individual study. This is an excellent resource for those preparing to answer critics of the Christian faith.