Canadian Government Paper Money, 27th Ed. - 2015
Market conditions have remained somewhat challenging, and once again price changes represent fine tuning rather than broad shifts. There are even instances where prices increase in one part of the grading spectrum and decrease in another part, for the same note. Nevertheless, price increases overall will be found to outnumber the decreases to a significant extent. Valuations for the 1935 Bank of Canada issue, which historically have increased routinely, remain fairly static except for superior gem uncirculated notes, which have been shattering records recently, apparently the result of competition among "registry set" collectors for the best of the best. Most $1,000 notes also continue an upward trajectory. Many modern notes, 1954 to date, are still too plentiful on the market to stage much of a recovery yet. Great rarities are, as always, the exception, and the ultra-rare 1954 $1 *C/I replacement note has increased by several hundred per cent, based on an auction result in the May 2014 Geoffrey Bell sale. Many of the provincial and municipal issues are showing distinct signs of strength. Among Dominion of Canada notes, early fractionals are beginning to move and there are consistent reports of good demand for later fractionals in lower grades. Scalloped border 1878 $1 notes payable at Montreal or Toronto are showing signs of increasing interest, but would still appear to be bargain priced considering their scarcity. At the back of the catalogue, there are quite a few increases, mostly modest, for special serial number notes. It will be interesting to watch for radar and other special serial number notes printed by CBN going forward, as these are now being well mixed prior to distribution, with the likelihood of a dramatic reduction in the supply entering the collector market. Price movements, up or down, are rather spotty for error notes after last year's major advances. New content for this edition, apart from the usual new issues, replacement ranges and prefix updates, includes several additional "tips for collectors", and previous census data have been revised to reflect the latest figures. The recently discovered second issue $1 Army Bill has been added, although retail pricing will have to await its eventual sale. There is a brief new section introducing Journey specimen notes, which were not regularly issued. In response to suggestions received, illustrations of error notes are now given complete identifying numbers, to assist catalogue users with identification. The descriptions of fold and cut errors have been reworked a little to make the text more easily understood. Unfortunately, it has become necessary to insert a warning against fraudulently produced notes with inverted backs, as there have been recent instances of this rubbish selling for heavy prices on an internet auction site. Every effort has been made to enhance value for users of the book, and to present useful information for collectors to take into the paper money market.