Canadian Bank Notes A Charlton Standard Catalogue (CHARLTON STANDARD CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN BANK NOTES)
The Sixth Edition of Canadian Bank Notes is scheduled for release at the Canadian Numismatic Association Convention in Ottawa in July 2008. Valuations for the note issues of many banks have moved ahead aggressively despite the possibility of economic recession, because recent market and auction activity indicate that the market for chartered bank notes continues to be very buoyant. While valuations for such popular notes as those of the Bank of Nova Scotia, the Canadian Bank of Commerce and the Royal Bank of Canada have surged ahead as expected, many notes long considered to be Cinderella material have also participated in this very broad advance. Included are many of the black and white issues of the first half of the nineteenth century and the often rare but not always in demand notes of the francophone banks. Pre-Confederation redeemable notes from institutions such as the Bank of Montreal have been revalued sharply upwards because of increased competition among collectors for such notes, which previously had been rather neglected. It will not be easy to find notes whose values have remained static, or declined because of oversupply, but there are a few. The valuations of most proof and specimen notes are also being driven higher by a rapidly expanding collector base, the chief exception being untinted proofs of normally coloured notes, which are not in favour at this time. The Charlton Press has obtained a copy of the American Bank Note Company order book, and much of the information found in it has been incorporated into the sixth edition. This information, practically unavailable anywhere else, greatly enhances the usefulness of the volume as a reference work. The note census information ( Tips for Collectors ) which proved quite popular in the last edition has been brought up to date and greatly expanded in the new catalogue, to give the collector the best available information to assist in the making of informed decisions. The valuations of Royal Bank of Canada notes for its Southern Branches have been drastically overhauled in the light of note population numbers. While much of the note census information is based on published note registers, some of it has never been published and is unavailable from any other source. Finally, a number of discoveries of both new note types and new varieties of known notes have added excitement to collecting since the last edition was prepared, and they have been incorporated in the new volume. The Sixth Edition of The Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Bank Notes consists of 592 pages, in the same 8 1/2 by 11 format as the previous editions. The retail price is $99.50 in Canada and $99.50 in the United States.