Dictionary of Psychology and Psychiatry English - German: Worterbuch Der Psychologie Und Psychiatrie Englisch - Deutsch
Widely used for many years by both scientists and other specialists, as well as translators, the two-volume English-German / German-English Dictionary of Psychology and Psychiatry is generally regarded as the most exhaustive bilingual compilation of terminology in these fields available. In this brand new edition, the Dictionary of Psychology and Psychiatry has not only been fully revised and updated, but also considerably expanded. For instance, all the terms and vocabulary from the field of psychiatry have been carefully reviewed and brought up to date by inclusion of the terminology used in DSM-IV and ICD-10, as well as numerous other entries from this evolving area. The increasing standardization of scientific terminology in psychiatry has thus been taken account of in the new edition. Also included are explanations and translations of more than 1,000 of the most common abbreviations used in the fields of psychology and psychiatry.