I-Power Starter's Kit
This is for people in business, government and nonprofit organizations who know that they don't have time to wait for the federal government's economic restructuring, new tax policies or government programs and initiatives to make their companies more productive and competitive.
I-Power is for people in both large and small organizations.
It's for people who are seriously interested in effective operations-for heads of organizations-for heads of departments-for heads of teams or units-for individual workers.
I-Power is for everyone who feels that work can be an opportunity for each of us to operate at our highest level-if we work within an intelligent system.
It's not about operating lean and mean. Not about downsizing or "rightsizing." Nor is it another sermon about how people are your company's most important resource.
Quite simply, the practical system described in this kit-and proven in practice for several years now-shows the way to encourage every worker in the organization to think-think about the way each of them works-and to contribute-contribute information and ideas on how to do everything better.
You don't need an elaborate and expensive incentive- compensation system to generate this powerful force for creative change. Nor do you need consultants, software, training packages or managers with MBAs.
Everything any company needs to process the work it already does far more efficiently is already in the minds, hands and experience of the workers who now handle the work. They know where the waste is. And they are often the first to recognize new opportunities for the company to pursue.
So we tell you how to take control of the company and make it successful in these perilous times. And by this we do not mean control by fine-tuning financial and reporting systems, closing doors (and plants and offices) or narrowing decision-making to an expert elite.
In the simple, pencil-and-paper system described in this kit, one company widened responsibility for corporate survival and profitable growth to everyone working for the company. The battle plan worked-and continues to work.
Everything you need to put this plan to work for yourself-in your department or in your company-is right here.
And then, if we convince you to try out the I-Power system, go ahead. Make an earnest effort-and then tell us what happens. We need the ideas and the problems that you and your people generate to make this system work even better.
Like all great battle plans, this one, too, can be improved by experiences-your experiences. And we will take on the responsibility for adding your suggestions to this battle plan-and keeping in touch with you.