Spectacular China

Spectacular China image




Author(s): CAMERON, Nigel
Released: Jun 23, 1998
Publisher: Universe
Format: Hardcover, 132 pages
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Commencing with its cover photo of the Great Wall, and leading readers through 180 color plates (some folding out to nearly four feet wide) of this most populous and pivotal nation, Spectacular China lives up to its title. The commentary illuminates China's ancient treasures, its landscapes, imperial era, the beauty of its gardens, blending of cultures, diverse dwellings, and the contemporary scene (including a McDonald's). As the first US/Beijing co-publication of a major illustrated book, complied by the China Tourist Press, readers in China can marvel at the same views of their ancient and modernizing land as the rest of the world. Lacks a bibliography and index. Distributed by Simon & Schuster. 16x10.5" Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

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