MacKenzie's Last Fight with the Cheyennes
John G Bourke has left this quite excellent account of one engagment. Bourke himself was an admirer of General Crook and served many years under him. Serving as Crooks adjutant, Bourke was privy to all decisions. This put him in an excellent position to write. This is a precise, concise account of an important engagement fought in the aftermath of Custer's defeat. Though events leading up to and including the Little big horn Fight are well covered in history, there is a serious lack of effort given to the closing of the Sioux War of 1876. Even the title of the war is misleading, for certainly the Cheyennes were as much an object of the army's campaign as were the Sioux. This particular copy used by the Old Army Press in preparing this book was Bourke's personal copy and includes a copy of the Library of Congress certificate issued to Bourke.