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An Autosegmental Approach to Shilluk Phonology (SIL International and the University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics, Vol 103)

An Autosegmental Approach to Shilluk Phonology (SIL International and the University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics, Vol 103) image




Author(s): Gilley, Leoma G
Released: Apr 24, 1992
Format: Paperback, 226 pages
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Shilluk is a Western Nilotic language spoken in southern Sudan. In this study, by using an autosegmental approach, which is based on lexical phonology, the author has been able to analyze the vowel and consonant harmony systems, the tonal system, and the syllable structure of the Shilluk language. Other matters dealt with include the issue of independent representations in connection with discussion of syllable structure, and the order of levels within the lexicon.Table of ContentsAbbreviations and SymbolsPrefaceAcknowledgments1. Introduction1.1 Phonemics1.2 Generative phonology1.3 Lexical phonology1.4 Nonlinear phonology1.5 Underspecification theory1.6 Overview2. Phonetics, Phonemics, and Postlexical Phonology2.1 Phonetic inventory2.2 Classificatory features2.3 Redundancy rules2.4 Nonlinear analysis2.5 Phonetic tone2.6 Interpretation of tone2.7 Underspecification and tone2.8 Principles of association2.9 Conclusion3. Representation of Lexical Items3.1 Syntax3.2 Lexical items3.3 Underlying representation4. Shilluk Syllable Structure4.1 Surface overview4.2 Syllable structure tier4.3 Syllable template4.4 Restrictions and constraints4.5 Application of syllable structure4.6 Plural forms4.7 Verbs and syllable structure4.8 Morphology4.9 Summary5. Lexical Levels of Derivation5.1 Tone5.2 Harmony systems5.3 Inflected singular nouns5.4 Summary of levels and rules6 Summary and Conclusions6.1 Advantages of generative phonology6.2 Independent underlying representations6.3 Implications for language learning6.4 Syllable structure6.5 Composition of Shilluk words6.6 Features and feature assignments6.7 The lexicon6.8 Postlexical level6.9 Further researchReferences

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