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"My Prussian ancestors," says the author, "had bred into me a deep distrust of the emotions." And Lutherans have a tendency to equate "emotion" with "experience." So Erwin Prange was no pushover for some contrived religious experience. Reality is what he sought. And reality is what he found... The realities of the Bible began to be re-enacted in the tough world of the inner city - healings, conversions, peace-in-the-midst-of-persecution, deliverance, exorcisms. This book has a certain feeling of stability about it, a sense of roots, or history; an appreciation of one's tradition and heritage, even as it moves out on the frontier of what God is doing in our own day... The author's approach to the charismatic dimension of Christian experience will be especially meaningful for those who come from a "sacramental" tradition - Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, Orthodox. He demonstrates that the vitality of the charismatic experience is not limited to a denomination or a particular theological formula - it is a dynamic movement of God which enriches one's most cherished traditions and beliefs.