B'chol L'vavcha
This newly revised edition of B'chol L'vavcha, the classic commentary on the prayers of the siddur, includes explanations of the structure of the service, different versions of familiar prayers, an updated text that reflects current practices, new illustrations, and new perspectives on teaching liturgy. In addition to the rich array of voices woven into the first edition of B'chol L'vavcha, this new version also includes the voices of Marcia Falk, Nachman of Breslov, Debbie Friedman, Elyse Goldstein, Rami Shapiro, Arthur Green, Danny Siegel, Yehuda Amichai, Hannah Senesh, and many more. This historic revision is ideal for ayone wishing to know more about the prayers or the prayer service, as well as students preparing to become bar or bat mitzvah, adult b'nei mitzvah students, students of Hebrew, and teachers.