In Search of the Source: A First Encounter with God's Word
Some of us have grown up knowing that God created the world, that He loves us and gave His life in exchange for ours. But could we explain creation, love, and ransom to a people who didn't seem to have those words in their language? How can God's Word be translated to speak clearly, correctly, and graphically? This exciting story tells how God helped Neil and Carol Anderson find the right words of the Folopa people of Papua New Guinea. As you read it, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the power of God's Word: Up to his chest in the black current of an underground river, Neil Anderson was just hitting his stride. In the eerie light of flickering torches, the wild hunting party was bringing down giant fruit bats with blow darts and killing them with their bare hands. The cave was full of yelling, splashing men, screaming bats, and deadly darts. That's when Anderson calmly suggested wading across the underground lake...and the party of former cannibals fell deathly silent. Within the depths of that subterranean lake in the heart of Papua New Guinea, Anderson would encounter a profound of many discoveries that would change th Folopa people forever.