Last Witness: The Child Survivor of the Holocaust
The Last Witness: The Child Survivor of the Holocaust looks in depth at the traumatic effects of genocidal persecution on the child's psychic structure and on development through the life cycle. It offers valuable information to clinicians working with Holocaust survivors and their families and serves as an indispensable guide for therapists and interested readers who want to learn more about the short- and long-term effects of genocidal persecution.
The authors have combined their findings, based on more than 1,500 interviews with Holocaust survivors from all over the world, to create this volume. Through case vignettes and life histories, the book offers historical information on the Holocaust itself, the overall plight of children superego development, and the role often played by transitional phenomena in mastering the attendant trauma and object loss. Special attention is paid to the effects of the Holocaust on children who were in hiding and the experience of adolescent children, as described in the diary of an adolescent girl.
Anyone who reads this book will have a greater understanding of how the developing child can be affected by trauma associated with persecution. It is one of very few books written about the psyches of survivors and their children. As a forum for survivors' voices, it will endure as a somber reminder that the future of humankind hangs in the balance between the forces of creation and the forces of destruction.