What Makes High-Performing Boards: Effective Governance Practices in Member-Serving Organizations
Boards matter to organizational performance. But the diversity of the nonprofit sector means there is no single formula for effective governance. Structure, size, rate of growth, geography, and other organizational differences can cloud our understanding of board performance. The study behind this book,research produced through an ASAE Foundation collaboration with Indiana University, pays special attention to the intentional decisions boards and staff make to achieve high performance regardless of context.
Prior to this study, research into the governing practices of associations and other member-serving organizations was hard to come by. This study is the first to offer a representative snapshot of current governance practices in these associations and member-serving organizations. You'll find ample insight into important questions like the following:
- How do organizations attract the right competencies to their boards?
- Is there a sweet spot for board size?
- In which areas of responsibility do CEOs rate their boards highest, and where do they find them lacking?
- How well are boards assessing and reporting on their own performance?
A summary of the key findings, 50 tables showing the results of specific questions, and the authors' analysis make this an exceptional resource for benchmarking your own governance practices and to start, or continue, a conversation within your own organization about how to achieve the qualties of a high-functioning board.