Moving to Discover the USA
The lessons and activities in Moving to Discover the USA can help you spark your students' imaginations by using movement to teach lessons about the people, symbols, and events of American history, geography, geology, and culture. The lessons are ideally suited for children in grades K-4.
Moving to Discover the USA provides more than 200 original games, rhymes, and songs to get kids moving and involved. Most activities provided require a minimum of space and little or no equipment. Each subsection of the book has a theme page to help teachers find topics to supplement existing elementary school curricula. And each lesson is clearly illustrated, allowing you to practice basic movement skills before organizing a game, song, dance, or movement activity.
The book is divided into eight sections: Americana, This Land, Famous Americans, Native Americans, Man-Made Landmarks, Natural Wonders, Building a Country, and Transportation. It addresses common topics by age level and according to national standards. With 42 lessons on subjects ranging from Harriet Tubman, to cowpokes, to the Grand Canyon, this innovative guide adds liveliness to your lesson plans.