Overtraining in Sport
Overtraining in Sport is the first comprehensive text on the physiological, biomedical, and psychological aspects of overtraining and overreaching in sport. Thirty-three leading researchers contribute 17 chapters to this multidisciplinary review of recent findings.
Since the research is multidisciplinary, information is presented in an easy-to-understand manner and background information is provided for those who may not have a comprehensive understanding of each subject area.
Overtraining in Sport is divided into seven sections: Section I examines the prevalence, physiological responses, and methods of monitoring and preventing overtraining in endurance athletes. Section II discusses overtraining in strength/power athletes and their responses to changes in factors such as resistance volume and intensity. Section III considers medical consequences of overtraining, including cardiovascular and hematological responses, neuroendocrine responses, and musculoskeletal and orthopedic effects. Section IV covers immune system responses to overtraining and possible interventions to prevent immunosuppression. Section V documents nutritional factors that may play a part in overtraining. Section VI discusses the psychological aspects of overtraining and covers potential treatment and prevention methods. Section VII summarizes the current status of overtraining research and points to future research needs and directions.
This valuable reference should be on the bookshelf of anyone with a serious interest in the potential effects of training too often or too intensely.