The Magician: His Training and Work
This book is really a continuation, though in greater detail, of my former book Magic: its Ritual, Power and Purpose. So many questions were asked by readers of that little work, that it was thought that a more detailed treatment of the subject would help to meet the evident need for information on this subject. I recognise, of course, that my efforts do not reach the standard of those who are the acknowledged stars of the magical firmament -Eliphas Levi, Dion Fortune, Israel Regardie and many others- but it may be that, from the standpoint that is mine, I may be able to help those who are "desirous of knowing in order to serve" to take the first step along the road of magical achievement. My thanks are due to many who have helped me in magical work throughout the past forty years. Catholic priests, Free Church ministers, occultists of both the Western and Eastern Traditions, doctors and psychologists, all have helped in various ways, and to them all I am most grateful. Particularly in connection with the writing of this book am I indebted to the late Bishop Robert King (who was my first teacher in these things) and another, a true Master of Magic, who by his own wish must remain anonymous. I also wish to gratefully acknowledge the help afforded me by Mrs. Hilda Eastburn of Peaslake, who, amid the duties of a busy life so kindly made time to voluntarily and freely type the manuscript of this book. As in my former book, so in this, I have endeavoured to give the principles involved in such a way as to encourage the reader to do some constructive thinking in applying them in actual practice -my distaste for "tabloid information" being as strong as ever!