Blizzard Ball
Against the backdrop of a blustery Minnesota winter, lottery players hold their collective breath at the thought of winning big on Christmas Day. The BlizzzardBall jackpot has run up to a red-hot $750 million, the world's richest prize. The 'stuff of dreams' becomes a deadly game that propels the reader into the world of numerical probability, conspiratorial politics, international ticket scalpers, counterfeiters, disgruntled players, and illegal aliens looking to grab the brass ring. Caught in the crosscurrents are an old school cop and tech savvy analyst buffeted by unsolved murders, a bomb blast, and the curious whereabouts of the winning lottery ticket. Underlying the chaos is an insight to those who understand and leverage the human condition of want, the irrational hope for riches and the search for life's short cuts - with the lottery being the perfect fix.