The Practical Christianity of Malcolm Muggeridge
Muggeridge, I964: "I certainly find that the dogmas of. . . the Christian religion. . . are to me completely incredible. I can't possibly and could never believe in them." Muggeridge, 1968: "All I have cared about is the living presence of Christ." - What happened to change his attitude? What does Muggeridge, now turned 80, believe about God, Jesus Christ, the Bible, prayer, the church, sin, evil, suffering and dying? How has his late-found faith in God affected his life? David Porter, a free-lance writer living in Hampshire, England, bases the answers to these questions on conversations with Muggeridge and a study of his writings. What emerges is the portrait of a man whose quest for meaning has led him from the far end of agnosticism to a deep faith in Iesus Christ. This book, however, does not so much chronicle the journey as survey the terrain where he now resides. Wit for the curious, wisdom for those who would be wise, encouragement for fellow travelers in faith: this book contains them all.