The Guide to the Federal Budget: Fiscal 1992
FY 1992 hardcover edition. An invaluable guide for anyone interested in understanding the arcane, ever-changing federal budget process. Here on the Budget Committee it's must reading for members and staff alike. (Rep. John R. Kasich) Experts and non-experts alike will find this short, comprehensive, and easy-to-understand volume an invaluable aid as they navigate their way through the labyrinthine complexity of federal budget process. (Robert D. Reischauer) Budgeting is governing. Difficult spending and taxing decisions... are being made within a federal budget process that is often confusing and frustrating to elected officials and the public who must live by the final law. ^IThe Guide to the Federal Budget^R helps lift the shroud on this critical process. (Pete V. Domenici) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.