Investigating the Book of Mormon Witnesses
Here are modern men who can be examined closely on their astounding claim-of being commissioned by an angel's appearance and by God's voice to testify of ancient scripture. Here are others who describe a physical experience of seeing and handling the metal record. Can it be taken seriously? This is the question author Richard Lloyd Anderson sets out to answer in this book. Using historical sources as close to the witnesses as possible, he has carefully researched their backgrounds, characters, and testimonies. His findings cannot be taken lightly. Statements clearly traced to the witnesses verify the testimonies printed in the Book of Mormon that they saw the plates, and in the case of the Three Witnesses, that an angel displayed them while the heavenly voice declared that the translation was correct. The witnesses' lives were fused by the fire of their testimonies into a sign for God that will continue to touch or to trouble thinking me. After years of working with their lives and their words, I am deeply convinced that their printed testimonies must be taken at face value.