A Soldier from Texas
This is not a print-on-demand, facsimile copy or modern reprint but a hardcover book published with a dust jacket price of $12.50 by Branch-Smith, Inc., Fort Worth, TX in 1978. This book covers a soldier's personal and military experiences through Europe, Greece, Bolivia and Guatemala. It is not designed as a military textbook. It is a story of one man's career in the armed forces. Colonel Cecil Roberts was born in Texas in 1919. He started his military training at Fort Sill Oklahoma in 1935 and entered active duty in early 1941 as a reserve 2nd lieutenant of infantry. He served with the 1st and 9th Armored Divisions during World War II. He saw combat service with the 14th Tank Battalion during the Battle of the Bulge and the capture of the Remagen Bridge in Europe. Upon the cessation of hostilities, he remained in the army. He continued his service with various assignments in Greece, Bolivia and Guatemala retiring in December of 1966.