Mysteries of the Holy Grail
Romantically expressed through the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, this artistic literary and spiritually inspiring work unfolds those mystic truths of the Christian faith forgotten today by many Christian denominations. This is a book for the sincere student who has emotional ties with the Church of Our Fathers, but whose mind has been drawn elsewhere in the search of spiritual truth. With the turning of the cycle and the dawn of a new spiritual age, we look with expectancy for the restoration of the ancient Mystery Schools wherein those aspirants to the greater realities may, through diligent application, hasten their evolution that they may be of greater service to the Plan, to their fellow man and to that unseen power which is behind the universe which we call God. The Grail legends depict the fundamental principles of another Mystery School credited to Joseph of Arimathea. To study about and meditate on The Grail Mysteries is to give invaluable clues to the mastery of character as expressed by the Knights of King Arthur. s the Mysteries are to be again reborn in our time, the sincere student and aspirant would do well to consider the fruits of the past in his preparation for that which lies before us in out time.