An Eye Single to the Glory of God: Reflections on the Cost of Discipleship
What does it really mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? How do we recognize the call to discipleship, understand its costs, and realize its rewards? Well-known author and professor of religion Robert L. Millet answers these questions as he reflects on the quest for discipleship in which we as members of the Church are engaged. He offers suggestions such as developing humility, taking up our own cross, remembering the poor and the needy, and learning to love as the Savior loves. "To be a disciple is to seek to be changed," he says, "to open ourselves to the transforming powers of Jesus Christ. . . to begin to see and feel things as the Master does. The disciple seeks to become like Him." An Eye Single to the Glory of God offers insight and inspiration for all who want to become more dedicated followers of the Savior.