Dick Sutphen Presents Sedona: Psychic Energy Vortexes
Sedona, Arizona is the location of a vortex energy center that enhances all psychic abilities. Thousands of people have had incredible metaphysical experiences here, ranging from direct contact with spirits, visions, and headings to strange manifestations and effects. Many of the experiences set forth in the book are told in their own words. There are four powerful spots in the world; Sedona is the primary positive center. The tow negative power spots are the Bermuda Triangle and Sussex County, England. Sedona, in central Arizona, lies on ley lines connecting to Stonehenge and other spiritual power places in the world. The town is surrounded by four powerful energy centers, all within a few miles of each other. The book includes information on how the vortexes are charged and how they affect you. There are complete directions to enable you to find each area as well as important warnings and safeguards you need to be aware of before exploring. You'll learn how to test the energy, then activate and expand it to maximize the psychic potentials of your own vortex experience.