Gems from Tozer
The book titled, Gems from Tozer, contains various selections from A.W. Tozer and provides an up front and pointedly direct snippet of Tozer's theology. The chapters of this book give a clear picture of Tozer and his unwillingness to accept lukewarm faith. Tozer challenges the believer to examine the heart and find God's supreme and eternal gift of salvation through His Son. Tozer reminds us that God's truth is creative, saving and transforming. Many theologians can pollute the Church with meaningless and trivial facts. However, Tozer contends that a theological fact becomes a shining truth of God through the simple act of obedience. This book,Gems from Tozer, is an excellent guide for any Christian who seeks to revive their faith in the Lord. A.W. Tozer illuminates the stagnancy of many of the churches that worship in His name, reminding the reader of the spiritual energy that the early Church had and also that faith, he says, does not turn back. The widest thing in the universe is not space, Tozer says, it is the potential capacity of the human heart. These words are empowering as well as challenging and will bring about true spiritual change, inspiring determination to make God the object of our devotion.