Shrinking the Judge : Freeing the Inner Child by Rosalie Malter (1998-01-03)
Shrinking the Judge: Freeing the Inner Child describes the Judge part of everyone's personality and how the Judge dominates a person's Inner Child part. The book makes it easy for most people to gain a better understanding of their experience with the Judge in themselves and in others around them. Many personal stories in the book help to illustrate how the Judge can bring on anxiety or depression, how the Judge fuels addictions and dysfunctional behavior. The authors use many examples to show how it is possible to "shrink" a person's Judge image and free the Inner Child. This results in increased self-confidence, joy in living, more creativity, and greater experience of spirituality. One client told the author that this is the best "self-help" book she has ever found. She could dump all of the rest of her self-help books, but she constantly makes use of Shrinking the Judge: Freeing the Inner Child. She discovers something new every time she picks up the book.