The Impact of Identity in K-8 Mathematics: Rethinking Equity-Based Practices
Each teacher and student brings many identities to the classroom. What is their impact on the student s learning and the teacher s teaching of mathematics?
This book invites K8 teachers to reflect on their own and their students multiple identities. Rich possibilities for learning result when teachers draw on these identities to offer high-quality, equity-based teaching to all students. Reflecting on identity and re-envisioning learning and teaching through this lens especially benefits students who have been marginalized by race, class, ethnicity, or gender. The authors encourage teachers to reframe instruction by using five equity-based mathematics teaching practices:
Going deep with mathematics
Leveraging multiple mathematical competencies
Affirming mathematics learners identities
Challenging spaces of marginality
Drawing on multiple resources of knowledge
Special features of the book: Classroom vignettes, lessons, and assessments showing equity-based practices
Tools for teachers self-reflection and professional development, including a mathematics learning autobiography and teacher identity activity at
Suggestions for partnering with parents and community organizations
End-of-chapter discussion questions.