The ARRL Operating Manual For Radio Amateurs
If you re an active ham radio operator, you probably have a story about your first radio contact. Many hams remember that experience even more than their first license examination. That s because operating is fun and exciting!
The ARRL Operating Manual for Radio Amateurs is the most complete book about Amateur Radio operating. It was written to help guide you through the dozens of ways hams communicate with each other. It contains information that every ham needs:
Beginners explore the broad range of ham radio activities, practices and events.
Intermediate hams sharpen your skills, earn awards and participate in contests.
Experienced hams find frequently needed references, details on new technology, and new ways to enjoy your favorite activities.
New Edition - Extensively Updated! This 9th edition is the BIGGEST revision in years! Over 80% of the content has been completely re-written. You'll enjoy the latest information!
Amateur Radio All About Operating
VHF/UHF FM, Repeaters, Digital Voice and Data, SSB and CW
Emergency Communications
Traffic Handling Getting the Message Through
DXing Contacting Those Faraway Places
Contesting Competitive Wireless
HF Digital Communications
Image Communications
Amateur Satellites
The FCC Rules and You Operating Legally, Safely, and Appropriately
Operating Awards
References Call Sign Prefix List, Antenna Bearing Maps, Abbreviations, and much more