The New Nature
From review: In The New Nature, Renald Showers has provided one of the finest explanations of the transforming nature of regeneration available anywhere. Admitting that "nature" is not a biblical term Showers prefers "disposition." He writes, "The old nature is a disposition of enmity against God...the new nature is a favorable disposition toward God. It consists of the law of God written in the human heart. The Holy Spirit places it inside the believer at the moment of regeneration" (p. 9). Throughout the book Showers clearly distinguishes and defines certain terms and concepts that are often confused: old man, new man, regeneration, new and old nature, total depravity, flesh, etc. While saints under the Old Covenant were regenerated and given a new disposition they were not empowered by the Holy Spirit while those under the New Covenant are. The heart, and great value, of this volume lies in Shower's exegesis of Romans 6-8. Here we are given a careful, clear and thoroughly sound understanding of the transformation that takes place at conversion, the spiritual battle that ensues and the power available for victory. I would like to prescribe this section for study and application to every Christian struggling with spiritual identity and/or sin. Showers also gives the reader a helpful interpretation of the troubling 1 John 3:9 passage and determines that the Christian cannot sin continuously as a habit of life (pp. 129-135).RENALD E. SHOWERS is widely recognized as one of the most distinguished theologians in America today. He is a graduate of Philadelphia College of Bible, a B.A. in history from Wheaton College, a Th.M. in church history from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a Th.D. in theology from Grace Theological Seminary. He is a professor and international conference speaker for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, Inc., and a contributing editor for ISRAEL MY GLORY magazine.