The Volume Library: A Modern, Authoritative Reference for Home and School Use (2 Volumes)
The 3-volume full-color Volume Library provides a convenient, comprehensive reference for parents to keep up-to-date on subjects their kids are learning. Covers forty school subjects and includes a comprehensive state-of-the-art atlas with world, historical, and tracing maps. GeoHelp, Southwestern's interactive geography CD, is bound into Volume 3. A respected home reference book, the Volume Library's many uses can be summed up into 4 categories. LEARNING - it offers details and clear instructions in practical skills, such as math and writing. RESEARCH - access to understandable information that supplements textbooks. REFERENCE - thousands of important names, dates, places, and events are easily available. BROWSING - introduces the reader to many fields and can often lead to further study of more specialized materials. Volume One & Two These two books are divided into twenty-eight sections in 6 major categories: Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Language, History, and the World. Sections are Computers, Invention/Technology; Animals, Astronomy/Space, Biology, Chemistry, Earth, Environment, Physics, Plants; Business/Economics, Government/Law, People, Sociology; English Grammar, English Writing, Foreign Language, History of Art, History of Literature, History of the World, the current world makeup, and a comprehensive index. The Volume Library is a library in itself. Volume Three A complete and updated World Atlas. Contains maps of each country, state, and province in Canada. Features homework maps, historical maps, and a section on taking standardized tests. Comes packaged with GeoHelp - an interactive geography CD for children