The Mystery of Transforming Love
Dust jacket notes: "Adrian van Kaam, the renowned initiator of the new religious discipline of formative spirituality, offers in this powerful and moving volume a commentary on the second half of the Last Discourse of Jesus. His explanation of the first half of the Discourse was given in the widely acclaimed work LOOKING FOR JESUS published in 1977. In both books he gives a creative and vivid illustration of how scripture reading can be done in an interesting, refreshingly different and spiritually helpful way. Father van Kaam's prayerful and poetic as well as practical approach to the spiritual truths of St. John's Gospel and the last moments of Jesus' existence on earth offers us many applications to our daily lives as Christians. Each chapter takes into account traditional as well as contemporary scriptural insight in the text and elevates it to the level of inspiring prayer in which the reader can participate. The book is an example of how formative scripture should be done and is a necessary volume for the library of every minister, priest, teacher of religion, director of formation and, indeed, every Christian."