Helping Victims of Sexual Abuse
"Helping Victims of Sexual Abuse offers a multifaceted discussion of a difficult issue, covering diagnosis, treatment, and prevention as well as spiritual, moral, and philosophical/ethical considerations." Dr. William Backus, author of Telling the Truth to Troubled People
"Heitritter and Vought have done an enormous service in demonstrating the extent of the problem in the local church-They give practical, tested advice about ministry to survivors of sexual abuse-Required reading for pastors, lay leaders and others who work everyday with victims of sexual abuse." Dale S. Ryan, executive director of The Recovery Partnership Foundation, Whittier, California
"This book uncovers the problem, points us to a solution that has history behind it it works! It's biblical, it's practical, while still providing a way to process all the inner turmoil and confusion that the victim experiences." Dave Carder, Counseling Ministries, First Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton, California
"A complete guide to the psychological, social, spiritual,-needs of both victims and their families as well as those who work with them. This book meets Christian pastors and layleaders at one of the areas of greatest ignorance, misunderstanding, and need for practical guidance." Nils C. Friberg, Professor of Pastoral Care, Bethel Theological Seminary
Nine steps to mental, emotion and spiritual wholeness.