Toward a Coherent Curriculum (1995 ASCD Yearbook)
As James Beane states, the curriculum in many schools today is "disconnected, fragmented, and incoherent"--an observation that led the writers to document their search for ways to make the curriculum meaningful in the lives of students and to prepare them for the 21st century.
The 18 contributors--professors, administrators, and classroom teachers--discuss their experiences in answering the question of what an educated person should be; looking for large themes to integrate the curriculum, both within and among subjects; including diverse cultures; working toward broad goals and standards; using authentic assessments; and involving the concerns of students. Commentaries include cautions on today's fiscal realities.
Authors include Andrew Ahlgren, Michael Apple, Ernest Boyer, Beverly Cross, Maxine Greene, Willard Kniep, Gloria Ladson-Billings, Joan Palmer, William Schubert, Stephen Tchudi, and Grant Wiggins.