Circus Baggage Stock: A Tribute to the Percheron Horse
Dust jacket notes: "Circus Day evokes many different kinds of happy memories. Perhaps what comes to mind are prancing ponies, or ponderous elephants, or tigers and lions, or the graceful flying trapeze act. These are all memories of the performance which, in fact, are still with us today. There are many recollections of events that are gone forever -- getting up early in the morning and going down to the railroad yard to watch the circus unload the red wagons is an experience indelibly etched on the minds of many. It was the sight of scores of dapple-grey Percherons hard at work unloading the train, hauling massive wagons to the showgrounds and spotting their loads in the proper place that, to many, brings back the fondest memories. Everyone seemed to enjoy watching these big draft horses at work. Only on circus days in 'yourtown' could you see this fascinating spectacle. This book covers this aspect of circus day with over 350 magnificent photographs, and with direct quotations from letters and conversations the author has had with boss hostlers and the drivers of the six- and eight-horse teams of horses."