Meet John XXIII: Joyful Pope and Father to All
My life must be filled with the love of Jesus, and also with a great outpouring of goodness and sacrifice for individuals and for the whole world. —from Chapter Seven
The world loved Pope John XXIII—who could resist his cheerful, affectionate nature?—and he admitted that he was incorrigibly optimistic: "I never met a pessimist who accomplished any good," he wrote in his diary. But Pope John was at heart nothing more than a man in love with God. He maintained his good humor in spite of decades of difficult assignments and considerable ill treatment, never complaining but instead choosing to "seize the good…and multiply it."
If you're looking for a big-hearted friend within the communion of saints, Blessed John XXIII is your man. This lively portrait will sweep you into the warmth of his spirit while anchoring you in his solid, practical spirituality. "Never mind thunderbolts from heaven!" he once said. "Charity, charity and simple, direct, loving truth!"