Transition to Adulthood: Work, Community and Educational Success
The transition from high school to adulthood is challenging for many young people, and often particularly difficult for those with disabilities. Transition To Adulthood: Work, Community, and Educational Success provides a blueprint for supporting youth with disabilities in achieving their postsecondary goals in a variety of adult settings – education and training, employment, and the community. This publication of the Council for Exceptional Children’s Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities is the latest in its successful Prism series (Prism 11) and covers a wide range of topics, from assessing students’ interests and abilities to fine-tuning their education plans and goals, ensuring that students with disabilities are included in a variety of settings, and building community relationships to ensure their continuing inclusion. It provides a valuable resource for transition personnel, special and general educators, and special education administrators at the school and state level, as well as adult service professionals. With eight chapters written by 20 authors, Transition To Adulthood covers the breadth of research delineating best practices and proven instructional strategies for ensuring that students with disabilities reach their full potential and achieve their goals.