Weber Carburetors Owners Workshop Manual
This book explains basic Weber carburetion principles and gives detailed disassembly and assembly of Weber carbs, downdrafts and sidedrafts.There are photos as well as illustrations throughout the book.Contents:Part 1Basic carburetionCarburetor fittingMaintenance & servicingOverhaulCarburetor calibration & testingPart 2Type 28/36 DCD carburetorType 32 DFD, 32 DFE, 32 DFM, 32 DIF, 32 DAF, 32 DGV, 32/36 DFV, 32/36 DGV, 32/36 DFAV, 32/36 DGAV carburetorsType 46 IDA, 48 IDA, 40 IDA 3C, 40 IDS 3C, 40 IDT 3C, 46 IDA 3C, 40 IDAP 3C, 40 IDTP 3C, 40 IDTP 13C carburetorsType 40 DFA, 40 DFAV, 34 DGAS, 38 DGAS carburetorsType 32 DFT, 32 DFTA, 32 DFTA 1 carburetorsType 38 to 48 DCOE carburetorsType 40 IDF, 44 IDF, 48 IDF carburetorsType 36 DCN, 40 DCNF, 42 DCNF, 44 DCNF carburetorsPart 3Appendix 1 - original equipment jet setting listAppendix 2 - conversion equipment jet setting list