PROGRESS IN ION EXCHANGE (Special Publications)
This book brings together scientists of international renown in the broad based subject of ion exchange, with the aim of covering aspects of its application as well as advances in the theory. All of the latest research is documented, and the book is unique in its wide coverage of ion exchange processes, with chapters devoted to polymer resin synthesis and structure, macroreticular resins in the pharmaceutical industry, ion exchange in environmental clean up, ion exchange routes to novel nanoporous materials, ion chromatography and capillary electrophoresis for the determination of inorganic ions, and ion exchange in zeolites, detergency and catalytic systems. Additional chapters expand on these general themes, and there is a special section on the nomenclature of ion exchange. Covering an extremely wide range of topics, Progress in Ion Exchange will be of interest to chemists in all fields, but in particular to the analytical, polymer or pharmaceutical chemist.