Ten Mistakes Parents Make With Teenagers: And How to Avoid Them
From Preface: Before you read any further... You see, I was allowed to read this book ahead of time. I know what it says, and I know the man who wrote it. In fact, he is the one who asked me to write this preface. (After all these years, and so many books, I thought he'd never ask.) Actually, I chuckled as I read the manuscript - thinking back on our famous debates downstairs in the hobby shop, the three and a half mile walks down the Illinois Prairie Path.... and back again; our in=the-fishing-boat discussions; and the countless road trips he took me on when I was a kid. Sometimes we connected. Other times we fought. People often ask me, "What was it like to be Jay Kesler's son?" Frankly, I don't know, Jay Kesler is the only father I've ever had. Was he a good father? The Best! Was he a perfect father? Not by a long shot, But dad seemed to understand the meaning of words like "process" and "consistency." And, in spite of his hectic life, my father and I developed hobbies to