CRC Handbook of Dietary Fiber in Human Nutrition
Dietary fiber is widely recognized as an essential element of good nutrition. In fact, research on the use of fiber in food science and medicine is being conducted at an incredible pace. CRC Handbook of Dietary Fiber in Human Nutrition, Third Edition explores the chemistry, analytical methodologies, physiological and biochemical aspects, clinical and epidemiological studies, and consumption patterns of dietary fiber.
Featuring new chapters and tables, in addition to updated sections, the third edition of this popular book includes important information that has become available since the publication of the second edition.
What's new in the Third Edition?
o Definitions and consumption of dietary fiber from 1992-2000
o A new chapter on the physical chemistry of dietary fiber
o Updated dietary fiber values for common foods
o New table: Tartaric Acid Content of Foods
o Coverage of non-plant food fibers, such as chitin and chitosan
o An entire section devoted to the effect of whole grains, cereal fiber, and phytic acid on health
o Discussion of the interaction of fiber and phytochemicals
Quickly retrieve and understand current data with the book's concise, easy-to-read tables and definitions. Covering all aspects of dietary fiber, including chemistry and definitions, analytical procedures, and basic physiological functions, the CRC Handbook of Dietary Fiber in Human Nutrition provides you with a unique collection of dietary fiber information unlike that found in any other book.