Becoming a Cosmopolitan: What It Means to Be a Human Being in the New Millennium

Becoming a Cosmopolitan: What It Means to Be a Human Being in the New Millennium image




Author(s): Hill, Jason D.
Released: Jan 28, 2000
Format: Hardcover, 224 pages
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In this highly original book, Jason Hill defends a strong form of moral cosmopolitanism and lays the groundwork for a new view of the self. To achieve a radical cosmopolitan identity, he argues it may be necessary to forget aspects of one's racial and ethnic socialization. The idea of forgetting where one came from demands that morally recreated persons disown parts or even all of their cultures if these cultures are oppressive or denigrate human life. Hill draws on existentialism, developmental psychology, and his own experiences as a Caribbean immigrant to the United States to present a philosophy for the new millennium.

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