Hammond World Atlas Fifth Edition
The Hammond World Atlas has garnered awards for graphics, accuracy, and innovation in each edition. Of this peerless, indispensable resource, the Philadelphia Inquirer states, "The Hammond World Atlas is beautiful, and after 100 years, the folks at Hammond have got it down."
We are proud to announce the publication of the completely revised edition of Hammond World Atlas Corporation's landmark publication, the Hammond World Atlas Fifth Edition. This gorgeous, oversized, full-color atlas is perfect for exploring the world in which we live. Featuring compelling articles, stunning photography, and enhanced Terra-Scape maps that make the topographic features leap off the page, this new edition has been updated to include the latest developments in our changing world.
Features include:
* Dramatic, full-color continent openers on current events and subjects, such as Hurricane Katrina and the European Union, illustrated with four-color photos and eye-catching graphics
* Breathtaking new 48-page Satellite Image Section adds a compelling visual perspective of the world's geographical features
* 64-page Thematic Section highlights such themes as the Solar System, including information on Pluto's demotion to a "dwarf planet," Tsunamis, including the 2004 disaster in Asia, and Global Warming
* The Map Section--more than 200 accurate, easy-to-read digital maps with striking physical relief , updated to include the two newest nations of Montenegro and Serbia
* Updated population chart and figures--the U.S. has hit the 300 million mark
* Handy reference tools include a World Statistics Chart, Countries of the World with flags and facts (Venezuela and the Democratic Republic of Congo have new country flags), a Glossary of Foreign Terms, and an easy look-up 100,000-entry Master Index
* Hundreds of four-color photographs throughout
Visually rich and appealing, this deluxe atlas is an ideal gift and a valuable addition to any home or office library.