Dynamic and Dedicated : A Man and His Mission
Chapter titles: "In the Beginning," "The Ministry Today," "The Making of a Man of God," "The Tender Touch," "Ambassadors for Christ," "Tools for Evangelism," "Go Ye Into All the World," "America's Evangelist to the World," "Am I Not Better to Thee Than Ten Sons?" "Dr. Van Impe, Christian Scholar," "A Voice Crying in the Wilderness of Our Time," "A Flame of Hope, Light and Power," "Souls Unlimited!" "Walking Through the Valley of the Shadow," "Heart Disease in Christ's Body," "A Moe Sure Word of Prophecy," "Fenica the Cat: Chosen Friend," "Jack Van Impe Presents," "Declare Ye Among Nations...Publish, and Conceal Not," "Write Thee All the Words That I Have Spoken Unto Thee in a Book," "I Was in Prison, and Ye Came Unto Me," "Enlarge the Place of Thy Tent," "Ne Television Format: Jack Van Impe Presents," "Video Evangelism," "HTTP://WWW.JVIM.COM," "Oxcar and Louise Van Impe," "Rex and Esther Shelton," "What Others Say," "Ther is No Stopping Place!"