Discover Your Spiritual Gift and Use It
“Spiritual gifts are only for the super-spiritual.” Too many believers take this attitude and so resign themselves to second-rate Christianity, unaware that God gives every believer gifts for maximum service. What does the Bible mean by “spiritual gifts”? How and where are they to be used? How does a believer discover and develop his gifts? Is spiritual maturity a prerequisite for a spiritual gift? Are all gifts available today? Discover Your Spiritual Gist and Use It examines the relevancy—and necessity—of spiritual gifts for Christians today. It considers the gifts mentioned in the New Testament in terms of biblical meaning and contemporary ways in which they can be used. It shows that these gifts are not to be exercised only within church walls, but wherever there is need. Spiritual gifts are God’s resources for growth, Christian community, and outreach at their best. And “each one of us has received a special gift” (1 Peter 4:10 NASB).