The New Open Bible, Study Edition, New King James Version
The New Open Bible Study Edition, in King James Version, New King James & additional versions, is perhaps the most popular reference and study bible in the world currently - and is clearly for viable, legitimate reasons. Full of an absolute panacea of valuable, insightful information, this bible is a purely enjoyable, unique and positive source for biblical, Christian, theological and spiritual study. Inside you will find important, relevant knowledge and information related to a vast array of interesting bible subjects not commonly found within everyday bible versions and translations. Such as geography notes related to biblical times and books, history, culture, spiritual terminology, life of the apostles, meaningful context to bible stories.... As well as definitions to highly relative terms and subjects, sermons, social and political structures, architecture, plus so much more. This is an absolutely great modern bible, with much to study, learn and understand within it's pages. It offers the reader, students and even newcomers to the world of Christian terminology and scripture, an absolutely great source for future study, research, discovery and learning!