Who's Who in America 1997
"We make very heavy use of WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA in our library. It's used daily to check biographical facts on people of distinction."--MARIE WATERS, HEAD OF COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES. This, the world's preeminent biographical resource, keeps pace with a changing America with thousands of new entries each year. AND it speeds research with the Geographic/Professional Indexes. ANNUAL UPDATING enables Marquis Who's Who to bring users more new names & to update more existing entries each year. Every entry is selected & researched to ensure the most current, accurate biographical data for Who's Who users. The Geographical/Professional Indexes makes WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA an even more useful research tool. Now users can identify & locate prospective partners & new clients by profession, as well as by country, state, or province, or city. Essential for quickly finding the entries you need. More than 92,000 leaders decision-makers, & innovators from every important field - business, finance, government, education, science & technology, the arts & more - are profiled in this 51st Edition. Entries include name, occupation, vital statistics, parents, marriage, children, education, career, civic & political activities, writings & creative works, awards, professional memberships, & office address. When you need authoritative, accurate facts on our nation's leaders, go to the preeminent record of American achievement that offers new information EVERY year: Marquis WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA.