Jubilee of the Constitution
Wa. LL. ID. MASTER OP ARTS, COLUMBIA COLLEGE, OF NEW YORK. 1872. ROSE HILL, in the TOWNSHIP of RED HOOK, near TIVOLI P. O., DUCHESS CO., N. Y. Mny, 188S. JUDGE ADVOCATE, with the ranli of MAJOR, 1845, COLONEL N. Y. S. I., 1846; assigned for Meritorious Conduct. 1849 ;BRIGADIER-GENERAL for Important Service first appointment in N. Y. State to that rack, hitherto elective 1851, M. V. S. N. Y. ADJUTANTGENERAL. S. N. Y., 1855. BREVET MAJOR-GENERAL, S. N. Y., for -M eritorious Services, first and only General officer receiving such an honor (the highest) from S. N. Y., and the only officer thus brevetted (M ajor-G eneral) in the United States. by Special A ct or Concurreiit Resolution, New York State Legislature, A pril, 1866. LAWS OF NEW YORK, Vol. 2. 89th Session, 1866, Page 2142. $C oncurrent Resolution requesting the Governor to Confer upon Briyadier-G eneral J. WATTS DB PVYSTER de Peyster the brevet rank of Major G eneral in the National Guard of New York. $R esolved, (if the State concur,) That it being a grateful duty to acknowledge in a suitable manner the services of a distinguished citizen of this State, rendered to the National Guard and to the United States prior to and during the Rebellion, the Governor be and he is hereby authorized and requested to confer upon Brigadier-G eneral J. WATTS DE PUYSTER de Peyster the brevet rank of Major-G eneral in the National Guard of New York, for meritorious services, which mark of honor shall be stated in the Commission conferred. STATE OF NEW YORK, in A ssembly. A pril 9th, 1866. The foregoing Resolution was duly passed. By order of the A ssembly, J. B. CUSHMAN. Clerk. STATE OP NEW YORK, in Senate, A pril 20th, 1866. The foregoing Resolution was duly passed. By order of the Senate. So in original. JAS. TF.RWILLIGER, Clerk. MILITARY AGENT, S. N. Y., (in Europe,) 1851-3. 5HONORARY MEMBER, THIRD CLASS, of the MILIT(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)
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